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Millage Rate

Setting the Millage Rate

The property tax millage rate is considered by the Financial Affairs Committee usually before the end of June or in early July upon receiving the property evaluation data (digest) from the Gwinnett County Tax Commissioner’s office.

The Financial Affairs Committee must review the city’s financial position to determine the level of funding required to support the current budget with any expected changes. The Financial Affairs Committee provides a rate recommendation to council for consideration.

The city council, by ordinance, shall establish a millage rate for the city property tax, a due date, and the time period within which these taxes must be paid. The series of events leading up to establishment of the millage rate depends on whether taxes are being increased or not.

The 2024 Millage Rate for the City of Berkeley Lake is 1.254 mils.

Council Approval 

Council must set a schedule of hearings (if needed) and an adoption meeting.

If the millage rate is to be increased above the rollback rate, three public hearings must be scheduled and advertised before the adoption meeting:
  • Two of the three public hearings shall be held in times and places convenient to the public and at least five business days apart.
  • One of the three public hearings shall be held between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm, inclusive on a business weekday.
  • Such public hearing may be held on a day in which another public hearing is scheduled, but only if such public hearing is held to begin no later than 12:00 noon.
  • All three hearings must be advertised no less than seven days prior to the hearing date.
No less than 7 days prior to the adoption meeting, the following must be advertised:
  • Five-year (plus current year) levy history
  • Notice of tax increase (must be separate ad from the levy history)
  • Notice of adoption meeting